

Early 19th century grisaille panel via here.

Grisaille is a term for painting executed in shade of grey or of another neutral grayish color. According to Wikipedia, this is the definition of grisaille. Above are a few examples. I appreciate this style and would love to have a piece hanging in my formal dinning. 

images via Pinterest and 1stdibs


Pink is in...

Back in November of 2015 I wrote this post about pink and another post here.
Since then I have added a bit of pink here and there in my own home. However, I started looking around my home and realized I already have several pink items. I never thought of myself as a pink person, I don't remember loving pink so much, I guess I was wrong. 

So, yesterday I was flipping through the latest issue of Domino magazine and noticed they have a spread about pink. I took a very bad photo of it with my phone, but you get the idea. Apparently pink is in and it is everywhere! Back in January I bought a couple of linen pillow covers at  H & M to throw on my linen sofa. They are casual and easy to keep clean. I also ordered a custom made pillow out of a picture of a tile floor I took in Paris at the Palais Royal to be exact. The tile art in that beautiful palace is gorgeous. I smile every time  I look at the pillow, I love the design and the imperfections  the image captured. 


Dreaming of Italia...

Ever since I have memory I  have been love with Italy. Once you visit this beautiful country, it takes hold of your heart and is hard to let go. When I visit, I always find it difficult to leave.
 The air the food, the people, everything about Italy is mesmerizing. 
This beautiful home is available for rent  here.